What a great bunch of trainees attended. Engaged, enthusiastic and switched on they kept me alert for the whole weekend. As promised the weekend was well organized, intense and delivered so much more than typical FRCR courses. We had great catering from the Avonmouth team and professional facilities. But above all we had an enjoyable and deeply didactic experience - everyone had their limits pushed, extended and tweaked just a little more. Although giving it my all for the whole weekend is indeed exhausting I feel so grateful and invigorated by the registrants response to the course that I feel raring to go again.
After the first morning session one very capable attendee commented:
"I have just seen more new cases I did not know in one morning than I have seen on all the other courses I've been to put together" another bright spark said:
"This is the first time anyone has instructed me on how to deliver what I know in a way that differentiates me from other candidates".
I'll post some more direct testimonials when they come through.
In the meantime good luck to you all in the Final FRCR!
Johnny Vlahos